St. John Lutheran Church - Believe It! Live It! Share It!
We’re thrilled to offer it; but you may be wondering what it is. And what it isn’t. And what you have to do in it, and for it.
Confirmation is… designed to strengthen the relationship between students and their Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. With God’s help, it’s a partnership between parents, their children, and our church. Confirmation is a pastoral & educational ministry of the church that helps the baptized child through Word & Sacrament to identify more deeply with the Christian community and participate more fully in its mission. It’s a journey…. ultimately students will re-affirm the promises made when they were baptized, along the way they will learn what that means and publicly confessing his/her faith and received into communicant membership by the congregation.
St. John Lutheran has confirmation classes spread over 4 years. These classes are generally taught during from 5th - 8th grade. However, youth may begin taking the classes when both the youth and parents, as well as the pastor believe all are ready to begin growing more deeply in their faith.
Year 1: 5th Grade Confirmation - Old Testament
This year we will focus on having a better understanding of God’s salvation plan as found in and through the stories from the Old Testament.
YEAR 2: 6th Grade Confirmation - New Testament
This year we will focus on having a better understanding of God’s salvation plan as found in and through the stories from the New Testament.
YEAR 3&4: 7th & 8th Grade Confirmation - All of Scripture and Catechism Study
During these years we will concentrates on owning, using, and sharing the faith. Hopefully, the experience of confirmation will permeate our students entire lives today and tomorrow.
Confirmation is not… a sacrament. Confirmation is not a way to gain forgiveness or a method of gaining passage into heaven. Confirmation is not, or shouldn’t be in anyway, a “to-do” item to simply check off a list. Confirmation is not something the student goes through alone.
Here at St. John, the entire congregation is encouraged to get involved by praying for the Confirmands. Confirmation includes a team of pastors, lay leaders, parents, students, and various other church members who come together for the benefit of faith.
That's great - the first thing you need to do is attend worship with us at St. John. Then after you have worshipped with us a couple of times, continue doing that, but also check with the Pastor to learn about enrolling in our confirmation program.
To be taken to the handouts, and link to the confirmation quizzes, click here
(Click here to learn more)
Sunday, August 11 –
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Our annual Confirmation Retreat to Camp Luther is scheduled for Sunday, August 11th – Tuesday, August 13th please mark these dates on your calendar as it is a mandatory retreat for our confirmation youth. This annual retreat to Camp Luther has been a tradition and part of St. John’s confirmation program for nearly 50 years.
Based on our projected numbers, we could potentially have up to 15 youth attending the confirmation retreat this year... how cool would that be?
Parents want to go to Camp Luther with us?
As in the past, I will need some parental chaperones who can also help drive youth to and from camp. Your time and help are both invaluable to me and your child. Your impact is more than you can imagine. If you are able and willing to serve, by going to Camp with upwards to 15 youth, please indicate on the online registration form or talk with me at the meeting.
Camp Luther –Confirmation Retreat Informational Meeting:
Please plan on attending at least one of the meeting dates/times with your child:
We will discuss travel times, chaperones, expectations, and medical information. As well as touch base about the upcoming confirmation year. At the meeting we’ll collect payment of $70 per youth (actual cost is $140) which covers all meals, housing, etc. Again, please make it a priority to attend at least one of the meetings with your child.
To Register your Child for the confirmation retreat go to:
[Click Here]
Please register by Sunday, August 4th