St. John Lutheran Church - Believe It! Live It! Share It!

What to Expect

If you're visiting with us soon . . .

We're overjoyed that you're planning a visit.  Please make your visit known to us by introducing yourself to the pastor and elders.  After the service, please sign the guest book that is located in the narthex.  For all visitors, we ask that you please speak with an elder or pastor before coming forward for communion.   We also have a gift for all first-time visitors.  The Lord be with us all in Divine Service.


A note for those desiring to commune . . .

Our practice of closed communion is the Biblical and historic practice of the Christian church.  It is prompted by love, both for God's Word and for His people since it seeks to prevent spiritual damage to those who do not recognize the true body and blood of Christ in, with, and under the bread and wine in this Holy Supper (I Cor. 11:29)

Furthermore, it does not deny that members of other denominations are Christians.  Rather, it bows the knee to the Bible's deep concern for doctrinal truth (Rom. 16:17) and the Bible's witness that the Lord's Supper is the highest expression of fellowship and doctrinal unity (Acts 2:42).  For this reason, guests who are not members of a sister LCMS church are asked to please speak with our pastor or an elder before communing.

If you're not communing this morning but still desire to come forward for a blessing, please indicate by crossing your arms over your chest so the pastor may give you a blessing.


St. John Lutheran Church - Believe It, Live It, Share It!